2017 TBF of Michigan State Championship UPDATED
The 2017 TBF of Michigan State Championship is Sunday, July 16 on Lake St. Clair out of Harley Ensign BAS. Blast off will be at 6:30 AM. All Michigan and Ontario waters are open. TBF of Michigan board decided to limit entries for the 2017 State Championship to members only.
Entry fees are $125* for boaters and $75* for co-anglers (*includes big bass). 2017 State Championship entries due by July 11. Mandatory pre-tournament meeting Saturday, July 15, 2017. Registration will be 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM registration on Saturday with the mandatory meeting starting at 6:00 PM. The meeting location will be at the Harley Ensign Memorial Public Access (after the BFL tournament).
10% of the entry fees will be held to cover tournament expenses (we are using the BFL weigh-in equipment and trailer for this tournament). A percentage of the entry fees may be put towards the entry fees for boaters and co-anglers who qualify for the TBF National Semi-Final.
Participants entering linked as a boater – co-angler pair will be assured of their respective boater or co-angler positions and participation. You will not fish with who you signed up with. You will go into the random draw. TBF of Michigan cannot guarantee those boaters who do not enter with a linked co-angler won’t be drawn with another boater though we will do our best to avoid this.
The top 12 TBF of Michigan members in the standings at the end of this state championship will qualify for the September 9-10, 2017 TBF National Semi-Final hosted by Michigan against the Ohio TBF on Michigan waters only out of Elizabeth Park.
If you have not joined yet you can pay your 2017 dues online directly to TBF of Michigan at www.michiganbassfederation.com/membership/pay-membership/. You can also pay your State Championship entry directly to TBF of Michigan online at www.michiganbassfederation.com/tournaments/pay-state-championship/. Or contact TBF of Michigan President Dave Reault at 734-718-4711, or Matt Belletini 248-762-5660 or email MichiganTBF@gmail.com. Message www.facebook.com/MichiganBassFederation/.
Category: Tournament News Posts