Tag: 2016

2nd Michigan Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Bass Fishing Outing Win-Win
Monday, July 11, 2016 TBF of Michigan hosted Michigan Legislators, Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and Michigan United Conservation Clubs representatives fishing in our 2nd annual Lake St. Clair bass fishing outing.

2016 State Championship Lake St. Clair Results
Here are the complete results from the July 17 TBF of Michigan State Championship on Lake St. Clair including pictures of the top 12 state team qualifiers.

2016 Jr State Championship Halfmoon Lake
The 2016 TBF of Michigan Junior State Championship is Sunday, June 5 at Halfmoon Lake in Pinckney, Michigan. The bass tournament for 11 to 15 year olds will start at 7am and end at 1pm. Check-in begins at 6am.

2016 State Championship
The 2016 TBF of Michigan State Championship is scheduled for Sunday, July 17 on Lake St. Clair. This is now a boater – co-angler format with the boater selecting all the fishing waters.

TBF of Michigan President’s Meeting Saturday January 9 11:30am
There’s a TBF of Michigan President’s and club meeting scheduled this Saturday, January 9th at the Ultimate Fishing Show starting at 11:30am. The meeting location is to be announced. You can stop by the TBF of Michigan booth for more information.

General Meeting Friday January 8, 2016 6pm
There’s a general TBF of Michigan meeting Friday, January 8th, 2016 at 6pm on Seminar Stage B at the Ultimate Fishing Show in Novi at the Suburban Collection Showplace.